Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Legalize "Carriage"; Keep Marriage As Is

Let's legalize a term called 'carriage' making it legal for a determined to be gay couple to purchase health and life insurance through their workplace or from any insurance entity and legal to take the other's last name if desired.  They can do most of that now it seems.  'Carriage' will become legal in that the gay two-some can be known as 'carried' and allowed to purchase any health or life insurance for the other that they desire if not already able to do so. Most everyone can now adopt a child if they so desire and, in this case, that child may be given the last name of the carried adopted providers of his/her care. Gay persons can already purchase homes together. When splitting they would be able to pay an attorney to divide their spoils.  These situations are most often unnecessary, but arguments and attorneys can be available to split the carried's belongings as well as determine the placement of the needful child.

However, marriage remains between one man and one woman who may or may not produce their own offspring. Marriage retains all of the legal entitlements and issues currently related to the unity and meaning of marriage. Marriage will continue to be the First and Best direction for healthy family interworkings. Marriage can and does have many challenges, but it was designed from the beginning to bring forth all of the completeness and whole aspects placed within man created in God's image and able to grow in knowledge of 'self' and of 'relationship', including relationship with their very personal, real Creator - when they discover, decide, and are determined to defend their recognition of Him.

What is it that gay people want?  To be recognized as 'legal couples'? 'Accepted'?... as 'legal' means....?
Already they can buy life insurance for each other.  They can purchase homes together, dance together, wear whatever clothing they desire.  So in tracking the 'inequality' issue as it relates to gay people, I do not know right now on the level of day to day living what that means. They are determining their destiny. I have not made their decisions for them.  Have you?  I sold my home to a gay couple.  There were other potential buyers at that very same moment wanting to purchase my home.  Did I discriminate?  In no way.  I am very tired of this wrangling over gay rights.  An 'elephant' is an 'elephant'.  'Is' is 'Is.  Stop twisting and distorting. Be creative.  It's almost the only way 'gay' persons can show their God given creativity in an acceptable light.
On the books, make 'carriage' a legal term for a 'gay' two-some so that they can be known, be involved, and look out for the other person in as healthy a way as possible with the decision they each have made.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Question:  Would I rather have God's Presence or His Answers to why?   His Presence.

I want my feet on the ground before going in all directions.  I wonder, "Where is that ground?"
I want that foundation to be closer to 7, closer to wholeness and completeness. Closer to solid ground. A foundation that heals, restores, rescues, lifts, releases, holds, and protects. This means it has to be closer to truth.  Truth is reality. Right?  Not truth as you see it nor truth as I see it, but as it is.

Jesus said He is, "The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  No man comes to The Father but by Me."  That sentence has volumes within it.  He was saying He Is Reality.  Whoa!  He is Real.
Think that one through.